Monday, May 04, 2009

Words that I read wrong.

For whatever reason there as some words that when I read them I pronounce them in my head incorrectly. They are:

Smoking: On signs I always read this as smorking. I know why too Sometimes I have to make a conscious effort to not say smorking instead of smoking when I talk. The strange thing is that I only pronounce this word wrong when it is associated with cigarette smorking.

Parking: Along with smoking parking gets transofrmed in my head to porking (thanks engrish). I don't have as much problems with this word, however I do say this one outloud sometimes, just for personal irony.

Elevator: My strangest mental mispronouciation is elevator which I read as elevatop. I know why I do this; because the Games Workshop store in Manhattan has a sign up that says ELEVATOR but someone took off one of R's legs to change it into a P. Then whenever I would go to the store I would read it and laugh about it (it almost describes what an elevator does better than the actual word). But something happened, and now every time I see a sign for an elevator I read it as elevatop.

I am sure that there are other words that I read incorrectly, but those are the main three.


Candy's daily Dandy said...

I do that too! My famous word is epitome. I see it as ep-i-tome.(like dome) In graduate school I even read aloud and said ep-i-tome, then corrected myself, but not before my favorit prof. chuckled a bit.

Candy's daily Dandy said...

I misspell favorite too...

Caz said...

haha I love no proofreaders in the asian signage industry apparently!!

Ookami Snow said...

Slyde - Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if I do.

Candy- How do you misspell favorite? Sometimes I forget that I'm not from England and put a U in it.

Caz- Maybe they do have proofreaders, and that is an improvement from the first draft. :)

Callie said...

My favorite intentional mis-pronounciation is elevator. I almost always say "elelator". I think it came from the Baby Looney Toons characters. My best friend and I used to watch those, for some unknown reason, and just laugh our asses off. So when I say it, it reminds me of being a young college student, living on my own for the first time, and having a blast just being stupid.

Daily said...

hmmm, i'm not sure i have any words i read incorrectly. i have a few that i always type incorrectly.

only one i can think of right now is the, i spell it "teh".

Ookami Snow said...

Callie - It looks like the elevator people need to bring out an ad campaign to remind people how to pronounce the word.

Piglet - "teh" is pretty bad for me, I read the word as it is written, and then move on and don't even think that it isn't the correct word. I blame that on teh internets.