Thursday, April 06, 2006

Damaged! (The Epic Conclusion to the Storm Watch Trilogy)

When I got home from picking Nicole up from car pool (around 5) I pulled up the radar to see that the storm was bearing down on us. (This is actually as the storm is on top of Manhattan.)

So Nicole and I gathered our cameras and headed down south of town to the Scenic Outlook. We saw some pretty spiffy evil looking clouds, and just north of these pictures the storm was producing a tornado, but since there was alot of rain we couldn't see it.

Well, when we were just about done watching the storm, it got mad at us.

That is a whole lot of 1 3/4" hail. It didn't really give us any warning, when the first one hit we got up to go back to the car, and then it hailed a whole bunch before we could stand up all the way. I made it to the car unscathed, but Nicole got hit by a hail stone to fulfill the prophesy of 'A Damaging Storm'.

Her welt was pretty big, but she is ok. After the hail (which lasted for maybe a minute) the stormed passed and it cleared up since its destiny was fulfilled.
The End.
(Or is it?)


The Reimbursor said...

That's a cool pic of the tornado birth

Anonymous said...

ive always wanted to see hail like that, awesome!

Willie Baronet said...

Dude, that is wack. Was there damage to the car??

Ookami Snow said...

I have no idea if my car got hurt since I got an awesome deal on it when I bought it because it was beat up pretty bad by hail.

I didn't notice any new dents, but I didn't really look either.

Irene said...

I cant get over how bad Nicoles welt looks. I hope she is better now. It looks like it hurts. My poor little girl. I hate when she gets hurt!