Monday, April 10, 2006

End Women's Suffrage!

Why is education important?

(The guy is from an all boy's school and this is filmed at an all girl's school.)
The girl's school that this was filmed at got all huffy about this, since "it made their students feel bad" (my summarization). Which should be a good thing, because not knowing that Women's Suffrage is a good thing, while attending an all girls school, should make you feel bad.

On a side note, I am now half the age of my dad. Why is that notable? Because that means he was my age when he had me. Eees. I am having way too much fun to have a kid right now, also I have to save my money for a LimoJet.

Update: I added Tsunami by Steriogram to my music player, it is musically a very good song, and the words aren't that bad either. Steriogram is a pretty good band overall, worth a checkout if you get the chance.


Anonymous said...

pretty sure they did that on the Man Show with similar results. sad.

Ookami Snow said...

Yeah, I heard that too.

I am sure that the video is a biased sample, but still, cheering on something that you have no idea about...?

That is why public opinion should not shape governmental policies.

Blessum Yellowstone Trip said...

Happy Birthday!

Irene said...

Happy birthday Shannon!!!
Did you get mine and jayme's msg on the answering machine. we sing so beautiful. love you hon!

Maria said...

wow... sad