Today is the fist day that I teach my new class, Stat 511. This is also the last class that I will teach since Nicole will be graduating and we will be on the hunt for "real" jobs. So it makes since that my lass class to teach is the same class where I decided to change my major over to Statistics in years ago. Back then the class was called Statistics for Engineers, at least i think it was that, and at that time I was failing my Chemical Analysis class and looking for something to get into instead of getting a BS Chemistry. I had thought about getting into math, and that is why I took Stat 511, but during the course I reallized that I liked actually appling the math much more than just doing it for math's sake, so I decided to get a major in Statitics instead of Math.
Let me just say: Abooyeah!
It turned out that Statistics was exactly the right choice for me, it was math with a purpose, it not only had interesting problems but the jobs are in demand for majors too. I really got lucky that I chose the correct major on only my second shot.
So now I will go teach the class where all the magic started for me. Maybe I can persuade a couple of my Chemistry students to give Statistics a shot as their major. That would make my journey at K-State truly a full circle.
what a happy little story.
Once upon a time I liked math. Then calculus came along...
Is this the class that Maria is in, this might be the class that gets her out of statistics. HAHA!! hey you titled it karma not me.
She'll be fine.
Shan did say if she doesn't like this class at all she probably shldn't be a stat major. So this may make her realize one way of the other. Either way, I'm proud of you for how full circle you have come shannon. I know you will do great in this field when you get your 'real' jobs. (like teaching all these years was make believe) :) HA!
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