Monday, March 24, 2008

My New Favorite Blog 2008, Round 3 Lower Bracket: Pairings 37-40

Alright, I'm back for more. Over the last week we moved out of my old apartment that we lived in for 7 years, moved into a new house that my sister Jenette just bought, had easter, and I am starting to learn some Visual Basic. But enough about me, lets get on with you.

37. White rabbit vs. Stranded In Reality
Andrew the White Rabbit has graced us with two very very used songs; Louie Louie and La Bamba. I can say with confidence that before just now I have never wrote or typed the word Bamba before. Anyways, it seems that cats and people named Everyone likes to remake those songs. Stranded in Reality has a poem that seems to suggest that the internet is a sham (Shamternet?). Also there are LOL Cats chillin on yer doormat. And teens that are latent pyromaniacs.
Winner: White rabbit

38. The Bingo Caller Of Love vs. The RaeJanes
The Bingo Caller of Love called BadgerDaddy is making fish stock, and I must have the wrong ideas about fish stock because he things that it is bloody exciting. Also he notes that farts after eating curry are always smelly. Actually, I think everything after curry is smelly. RaeJanes has decided to live off the grid, the grid of gluten. Since she has lived green she says that she isn't as hungry, she feels much better, and has less chance of being autistic. She also partied on St Patty's like it was 1990-beforeshehadkids. The kids reminded her that they were still there.
Winner: The Bingo Caller Of Love

39. Leisure Pursuit vs. Light Motifs
Valarie on Leisure Pursuit talks about a new movie called Bank Job, which I haven't heard about before, but it is about these guys named Robbert Bank and Sammy Job who need to raise enough money to keep their band together, so they go from city to city entering food competitions to make the money. However, they only get fat. Miz UV has somethings to tell you, 21 things. Most notably she has alot of things in her freezer, she won't eat escargot, and she likes pillows.
Winner: Leisure Pursuit

40. Fabulously Jinxed vs. Kate Smudges In Earth, Paint and Life
Fabulously Jinxed is looking for a few good men (figuratively) to make guest posts on her blog. Unfortunatly she is looking for humor and/or liberal politics only. And we all know that I can only find humor in liberal politics... so I am out of that job. Kate takes her smudging ability to the next level as she moved her blog to Typepad, leaving us all cold and shivering here on Blogger (actually I like it here). She also is getting the Spring itch as it is getting closer and closer to greening up outside.
Winner: Kate Smudges In Earth, Paint and Life

Stay tuned for the Round Four Brackets

1 comment:

The Math Ninja said...

Huh, I think I may have to watch The Bank Job. It sounds different then I would have guessed...