Friday, February 03, 2006

Some fine, fine Super Bowl cookies.

Last night's Gamenight activity was the annual frosting of the Super Bowl cookies (see last year's too). Nicole made the cookies, and the rest of us frosted them.

We called Jenette the cookie maestro... not really, but she *does* look like she is about to play the cookies in this picture.

We ended up with about 100 Steelers and Seahawks cookies, and for the most part they turned out fine. Why do we need 200 cookies for a party of about 10 people? It's because at our Super Bowl parties whenever a team scores everyone eats a cookie. This always sounds like a great idea at first, but by the end of the third quarter you hope that both the team's defenses start to step it up. (You would think we would learn after a few years that consuming around 15 cookies a person in a short time is not a good idea, yet we still make 'em... ah traditions.)

The two cookies in the middle of the picture were deemed to be the best frosting job for each team. Almost all of the Steelers cookies turned out good, but most of the Seahawks cookies look like they have a flying hammer on their helmet instead of a bird head... oh well.

Only two more days until Super Bowl XL!


The Math Ninja said...

The flying hammer is a good description of the real helmet too. ?

Big Red said...

That's awesome!! Wish I was in Manhattan with you guys. Hope your Super Bowl is going well.
