Monday, January 24, 2005

mon- i'm - day (I'm in the middle of monday)

Well today is in full swing. I hafta go teach in 30min, so i don't have enough time to go do anthing... so here i am.

this morning started out with a ride on the KSU shuttle over to the union. The shuttle really isn't that useful because by the time you get to the union you are basically late... well i guess not late, but you won’t get to class early using it. But i was suprized that it was almost full.

After class i worked on my 722 homework that is due for tomorrow. After that i walked over to Chipotle and got me some chicken tacos. I came back to the office to talk to lance while i ate. After that i just got stuff ready to teach for tonight. Unfortinuatly, tonight is one of my longer classes, so I don't know if I will be able to make it to hockey practice. well see.

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