Sunday, March 13, 2005

After they left Nicole and I went to check out the new building next to panera, it is gonna be a arby’s. That is ok I guess... I would rather have it be a Wahoo’s Fish Taco though...

Upon inspection of the building we found this sign. I think the maker'’s of the sign’'s like'’s '’s... ^_^

After that we went to target, and then came home.

And there you have it, my weekend.

1 comment:

hockeyfrog said...

This leaves me wondering what the building on Ft Riley by Radio Shack is... its not big enough to be a bank, and it doesn't have the right kind of drive through window to be one anyway. Its too small to be a sit down restaurant... this is going to drive me nuts until more is added so its recognizable as SOMETHING... gah!