Thursday, March 03, 2005

to be continued?

Boy, today has been full, and i still have lots to do. When i was at Radina's i was thinking. The more stuff you do in the day, the less time you have to post about it, and the less stuff you do the more time you have to post....
that being said, my lack of posting goes to show that i have done lots today. the quick quick run down (nicole is on her way to pick me up from my office) is: wake up, come to school, work on grading for my night class, have 722 class, make final for my night class, goto Chipotle with lance, goto radina's to grade papers by myself, come back to my office, teach 330, finish grading 330's Exams, call nicole to pick me up to go get our oil changed...
things i still need to do: Study for my experimental design test tomorrow.
if i get a chance, i'll post again later tonight.


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