Monday, April 04, 2005

San Francisco May Regulate Blogging

Personal Democracy Forum (article)

Just when you thought the Federal Election Commission had it out for the blogosphere, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors took it up a notch and announced yesterday that it will soon vote on a city ordinance that would require local bloggers to register with the city Ethics Commission and report all blog-related costs that exceed $1,000 in the aggregate.

How is this even enforceable? What if you are just visiting SF? Or what if you say your site isn't a blog, it's a journal. The point is limiting endorsements to political candidates, but guess what, blogs are powered by people not companies. I can endorse anything i want, and the more people that read my blog the better. Regulations are not going to solve the 'problem'.

1 comment:

nettymus said...

Yeah, they can't do that. And if they do, their legal system is stupid.