Friday, April 08, 2005

Is it Worth Running in the Rain? (site)

The answer: Yes.

This site lets you change a whole bunch a variables to see how much you would get rained on, and as it turns out running in the rain does help.


Blessum Yellowstone Trip said...

Interestingly when MythBusters tested this in a closed course with constant rain fall (both with and without wind) they found that you actually get slightly wetter by running than by walking.

Ookami Snow said...

Here is the trick to it: You will get wetter by running, but if you are running to somewhere, you will get there in less time, and time you save by running will make up for the fact the you get a little bit wetter by running.

If you can not make it to shelter, you might as well walk...

Blessum Yellowstone Trip said...

Yea I knew that, but what we really need is a mathematical model determining the distance away from your shelter that makes running optimal.

Ookami Snow said...

...look at the web site...
you can set how far away your shelter is, so it wouldn't be to hard to figure out. I would guess as long as there is a shelter, and you would be walking in the rain all the way to the shelter, it would be better to run. If, after walking for a bit, it stops raining it might be better just to walk.