Friday, April 08, 2005

Panasonic Oxyride Batteries Review

Gizmodo (blargticle)

Panasonic’s new disposable batteries, called ‘Oxyride,’ look fantastic. PC World tested some and got over twice as battery life over a set of Duracell Ultras, which coincidentally enough cost exactly the same. It sounds like we’ve got a new favorite battery.

This article comes with a good update:

Update: Come on, hippies, I’m not advocating buying these in lieu of rechargables. But sometimes you have to buy throw-aways, and when you do, these look great.

A new type of batteries that work good, and calling some people hippies. That gets the double star of awesomeness in my book.


hockeyfrog said...

after reading the first half of that, my first thought was "um, hi, rechargables?"

I must be a hippie.

Ookami Snow said...

You must be. ^_^