Friday, February 23, 2007

My New Favorite Blog, Round 2, Second Chance Bracket

I will go with the second chance bracket first. And this just gets tougher and tougher, the hard part this time is having to kick some blogs all the way out of the competition... Hard decisions.

25. Sara With No H vs. Crabcake's Cowpie Field
Sara explained how she got special permission to photograph some art as long as she didn't use a flash, and then proceeded to not turn off the flash when taking the picture. Crabby (Crabcake's Cowpie) put together a very nice post about some of the people that she has met on the internet and what they mean to her. Unfortunately, breaking agreements right after making them is too funny to pass up.
Winner:Sara With No H

26. A Gentleman's C vs. O.Kay.
Angry Professor (A Gentleman's C) posed a note from a student where the student was mad that the class taught by Angry Professor is about boring things instead of interesting things. The Angry Prof. replies back that it is just the way the class is. Meanwhile Kay is having trouble with her knees, I have narrowed the problem down to the part where she can push her kneecaps around to any position that she wants. Yeah that is weird.
Winner: A Gentleman's C

27. Whole Lotta Trouble vs. As told to (your name here)
Callie (Whole Lotta Trouble) describes her awesome morning where she watches the Buffy Musical, and then sings all the songs on her way to work. She then proceeds to crush Tinyhands (As told to) because that blog had no new posts.
Winner: Whole Lotta Trouble

28. Legally Blonde vs. Scared Bunny
Elle (Legally Blonde) had two good posts the first is the eight commandments of dating her, which listed nine rules. Geez, girls -you give them 8 rules and they make nine ^_^. The other good post was that she got a note that seems to indicate that a room in the library had been turned into a sex room for anyone who wants to check out the key. No, it really does sound like that, go check her blog out. Scared Bunny fires back that he has been able to keep neutral in the "great coffee war" that is going on over at his office. But, seriously a sex room?
Winner: Legally Blonde

29. Accident Prone vs. Gimchi
Mariam (Accident Prone) is ecstatic that the temperatures have broken the 40 degree mark, up from below zero. (As am I) However Kimberlina (Gimchi) makes a good point with her video of a person solving a Rubric's cube with his nose. (You have to just go and check it out.) Her point being that... well there wasn't a point, but it was strange.
Winner: Gimchi

30. Conglomerate vs. The Other Side of the Ocean
Obviously I have not had the schooling that Conglomerate has had. Because I could not even understand the stock options trade talk enough to even leave a comment. Nina (The Other Side) on the other hand has a topic that I am all to familiar with: wanting to move, but not really wanting to move.
Winner: The Other Side of the Ocean

31. Phantom Scribbler vs. Thoughts of a Crazy Redhead
Mama (Phantom Scribbler) posted a very impressive list of everything that her kids will eat, which leads me to believe that she eats almost the same thing every day. In other news Redhead turned 25 and could eat mashed potatoes for the rest of her life if she had to. (I couldn't)
Winner: Phantom Scribbler

32. Everybody Knows vs. Ph.d. Ladybug
Everybody Knows continues on the theme of only being able to eat a few things and lists out everything that has had a food recall lately. She decides that only bread and filtered water are safe anymore. I argue that slushies still haven't killed me, yet. And while I am waisting my time finding my new favorite blog Ph.d. Ladybug goes out and gets published. Sheesh, I could get published too if tired. (Not really. That is a really big accomplishment.) Ph.d. Ladybug doesn't need me anymore.
Winner: Everybody Knows

Stay tuned for the upper bracket.

1 comment:

tinyhands said...

*sigh* It was bound to happen sooner or later. No hard feelings, I own my failure.